

Depending upon variety the trunk of palm trees can be short or extremely tall and are capped with a crown of leaves. Palm leaves are green and made up of several smaller leaves that are attached to a central point or spine, depending upon shape. Palm leaves or palm fronds can be either palmate (fan) or pinnate (feather) in shape. The palm tree is documented as having produced the largest leaf, seed and inflorescence (cluster of flowers) of all trees in the Plant Kingdom. 


Palm leaves are available year-round. 

Current Facts

A member of the Arecacese or Palmae family, palm leaves are part of the flowering evergreen plant most commonly known as the palm tree. There are over 2600 different species, most of which can be found growing today in tropical rainforests. While the leaves of the palm are too tough to be edible some palm trees do produce edible fruits that are popularly consumed today such as the coconut, date and acai berry. 


Palm leaves are most commonly used for decorative purposes in the culinary world. They can be used whole to dress a table or on serving platters. Trim to desired size and use as garnish alongside tropical food and drinks. Palm leaves are commonly used in combination with banana leaves and other local vegetation in the traditional Hawaiian method of cooking in an underground oven known as an imu. 

Ethnic/Cultural Info

Historically, palm leaves were used as one of the original materials for writing on. Palm leaf manuscripts have been found that date back to the 5th century in parts of South and Southeast Asia. Palm leaves have also long held symbolism in Christianity where they are seen as a symbol of victory, of good and faithfulness triumphing over evil and are mentioned numerous times in the Bible. Additionally in Judaism palms are one of the four species (of plants) used as part of both the traditional Sukkot blessing and the Hallel prayer to honor God. 


Palm trees have been in existence since the dawn of human civilization, the earliest fossilized palms on record dating back nearly 80 million years to the Cretaceous period. They played an integral role as a resource that could be utilized not only for the fruits some of the trees provided but for a variety of different purposes. They were used whole as thatching to build roofs and walls for houses, the strong mid ribs used to make crates, fences, weapons and furniture and the smaller leaves used as a material for fashioning clothing, baskets, rope and cooking tools. Today, palm trees can be found growing around the world in a variety of different climates. The majority of species, however thrive and can be found growing in warm tropical and sub-tropical climates. 


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